VisualQ4M - Pre & Post Processor
Pre and Post-Processor Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) simple and intuitive for Numerical Modeling in Earthquake Engineering in Quad4m code for evaltation the seismic response 1D/2D:
- Mesh tool - Generation of the 2D Grid discretization simple or complex and all functions to editing geometry. Read DXF file.
- Material Property - Internal database to manage the dinamic properties of the soils (Density, Vs, Vp, Poisson, Damping, Shear Modulus ecc..).
- Boundary Conditions - Boundary conditions (x, y, xy or transmitting base) and Dynamic load (x, y or xy).
- Input Motions - Signal processor (both in horizontal and vertical component ) with internal database for to analyze and modify the input to be used as a dynamic load in the model.
- Quad4m Analisys - Calculation of the dinamic model using code Quad4m in backgruond without the use of prompt DOS.
- Graphics Plot - Graphics results (colormap and linearmap), frequency response spectra (Acceleration, velocity, displacement) Amplification factory, Arias Intensity, Energy Density, Response Spectrum Intensity (Housner), Acceleration Spectrum Intensity (Von Thun) ecc...
- Export results - Numeric format, image format and DXF file.